United against racism and racial profiling of black communities
Following the death, under odious circumstances, of George Floyd in the city of Minneapolis, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse wishes to express its solidarity with Black communities in Québec and around the world. Systemic racism, discrimination and racial profiling, as well as acts of hate motivated by racism, are serious human rights violations that must be sanctioned.
Montréal, June 2 2020 – Following the death, under odious circumstances, of George Floyd in the city of Minneapolis, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse wishes to express its solidarity with Black communities in Québec and around the world. Systemic racism, discrimination and racial profiling, as well as acts of hate motivated by racism, are serious human rights violations that must be sanctioned.
News release (French only)
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